Do Spiders Like Rattan Furniture? How To Keep Them Off

Is Rattan Furniture Waterproof?

Garden furniture can give a classy and inviting look to your otherwise bare garden. However, outdoor furniture can also become a convenient lounging spot for numerous insects, especially spiders. Although insects are a common outdoor occurrence, they can be a nuisance when they hide in garden furniture.

Spiders can end up getting in your clothes and on your body while you’re enjoying the great outdoors. This is particularly concerning since some spiders can be poisonous, and a single bite could land you in the hospital.

For this reason, it is always important to look out for spiders and other such small insects that may be hiding in your garden furniture before you use it. Although there’s little you can do to make your entire garden bug-free, there are a few steps you can take to ensure spiders steer clear of your garden furniture.

So if you’re looking for ways to keep your outdoor furniture free from pesky spiders, read ahead to find out more.

Convenient Methods Of Keeping Spiders Out Of Garden Furniture

Spiders can easily hide in garden furniture and get into your clothes while you use them. Outdoor rattan furniture can be prone to spiders, so much so that some people wonder do spiders like rattan furniture more than other types of outdoor furniture?

Spiders are found more on rattan furniture as they can hide and weave their webs around the material. Here are a few tips on how you can keep your furniture free from spiders:

Clean Furniture Regularly

One of the best methods of keeping your furniture insect-free, especially spider-free, is by cleaning it regularly. Simply dusting your furniture every day and wiping it down with a clean damp cloth every once in a while can go a long way in keeping your furniture clean and well maintained and the insects at bay.

More thorough damp cleaning can be spaced out by a month. You should remember that some types of furniture, such as some rattan furniture, are not waterproof. Therefore, you must not use too much water while cleaning it. Ensure that you dry your furniture out entirely as well.

Use Covers

Although garden furniture is meant for all sorts of weather conditions, if you want to improve your furniture’s durability and longevity, it is a good idea to use furniture covers. Furniture covers protect garden furniture from various weather conditions, insects, and small animals.

In addition, by covering the furniture, you are likely to keep out most small insects that spiders prey on. With fewer such insects on your furniture, the population of spiders on your furniture will decrease as well.

However, it is always good practice to check for hidden insects and spiders when you remove the covers, as some spiders may have gotten under them.

Place Furniture In Shade

Although garden furniture is often more durable than other types of furniture, it can incur some sun damage if left out in the sun for long periods. It is therefore advisable to keep furniture in the shade.

However, ensure there is no moisture where you keep the furniture. This can cause the furniture to grow mould. Damaged and mouldy furniture often attracts more insects which then causes more spiders to collect there.

Spider Repellant Sprays

There are numerous insect and spider repellant sprays in the market. Some products use natural substances, whereas others use insecticides. If you suffer from a particularly terrible spider infestation, using a high-strength spider repellant spray or insecticide may be useful to get the spider population under control.

However, be sure to keep all such insect repellents and insecticides away from the reach of children. You must also be careful of your pets inhaling or licking poisonous substances in insect repellents and insecticides. Such sprays must be used sparingly and followed by regular cleaning and dusting.

Essential Oils

Spiders are particularly averse to selected scents. These include the smell of peppermint, citrus, cinnamon, basil, mint, and rosemary. Using a few drops of essential oils to wipe your furniture or placing them in a diffuser nearby will not only create a fresh aroma around the seating area but will also ward off unwelcomed spiders.

Essential oils are non-toxic, and a few drops can be safely used on furniture. Adding a few drops of it to a bottle of water and spraying it around the area should also do the trick.

Diluted Vinegar

Another cheap and effective hack for getting rid of spiders is using diluted vinegar. In theory, this works similar to essential oils as spiders hate the smell of vinegar and steer clear from any area that contains it. You can use regular white vinegar or apple cider vinegar.

Take equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle and gently spray around the furniture. Be careful not to get too much vinegar on the furniture itself as it can be harmful to it in the long run.

Lemon Scented Cleaners

As mentioned previously, spiders do not like citrus. You can use this to your advantage by using citrus or lemon-scented products on your furniture. Lemon-scented furniture cleaners are easily available in the market.

Using these on your furniture will not only help your furniture stay spot-free and clean, but it will also provide a fruity aroma to the area, along with deterring pesky spiders.

Ultrasonic Pest Repeller

If you don’t want to use too many products on your furniture but want to stay away from spiders, nonetheless, you can do so by using technology. Modern ultrasonic insect repellents are an excellent solution to your spider problem.

Not only do electronic repellents keep insects at bay, but they also do so safely, conveniently, and effectively. They are also a humane way of controlling the spider population without harming insects and preserving the ecosystem.


Spiders can often be found on garden furniture. Do spiders like rattan furniture, or do they just find convenient hiding spots in them is something we may never know? We know that spiders have a particular affinity for garden furniture, especially rattan furniture.

However, using a few hacks and tips and tricks can easily help you curb this issue. Use our tips regularly so that you can keep spiders at bay.